New Year. New Vision.

What are you ready to activate this year?

Consider what you’re craving to unleash in 2021.

In order to make any headway on your list of resolutions and personal goals, you first need to be grounded in how you want to live and what this looks and feels like. Far too often, this becomes the afterthought or byproduct of a hurried and frazzled life, rather than the other way around.

Imagine what it would be like if your life was full of energy, motivation, ease, and flow.

What would be possible then?

Use the questions below on the page in our 2021 Vision Reflection Guide to consider this now.

Your Fully Aligned Self

If you fully embodied these intentions, what would be possible for you then?

Leave It Right Here...

What do you need to release in order to move forward into 2021?

Create Your 2021 Vision

Using the intentions you set and your reflections above, now it’s time to create a vision for how you want to BE in the year ahead! Use the questions below on the page in our 2021 Vision Reflection Guide to go deeper.

Vision comes in all forms…

A desire to travel somewhere new to experience another culture (or just finally leave your house).

A motivation to serve your community and give back to help others.

A calling to create something bigger than yourself.

Or maybe it’s still locked up inside of you, occasionally tapping you on the shoulder, reminding you that there is something there, something more… 

Don’t ignore it. Lean into these reminders. Listen harder. Notice what’s happening in your life and where it leads.

Get curious. Ask questions. LOTS of questions (and if you’re stuck here, we’ll help with that this month on our social media channels!).

Share your passion. Whether it’s on social media or in line to get your morning mocha. Don’t let your doubts or fears silence your voice.­ Keep your vision alive through your dialogue and conversations.  

Seek support. Connect with others who share your vision or feel connected to your bigger purpose. Reach out. Collaborate. Build bridges, not walls. Offer support to others you feel aligned with and see what happens!

Ask for help. Let us know if there are ways we can support your growth and development this year. 2021 has big things in store for your leadership and life. We’d love to be part of your amazing journey!